
Healthcare is ready for disruption: people are exploring the diagnostic space themselves and crowdsourcing solutions. We believe this form of “Citizen Medicine” is the future of healthcare delivery. For this reason, we are building a small family of at-home, consumer products –our flagship handheld device, which reads, reports, and delivers your vitals quickly to your own smartphone, our rapid test products, which will provide you with a mini-lab that also communicates with your smartphone, and finally, possibly most importantly, the Scanadu app that allows for seamless communication between the tools in our family-line and presents all the data to you in a trackable and manageable way.  Empower yourself, empower your doctor, learn how to become your own “Citizen Doctor”.  Through this blog Scanadu hopes to start informing you about  current events and important food-for-thought regarding health, medicine, technology, and how improvements in health care technologies benefit us all.  This goal, however, can only be attained if we work together.  If we inform each other and create a mutual dialogue, then our understanding of the workings of our own bodies may no longer remain a mystery.

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